Aug 16, 2015 — My dad had recently taken up rowing/erging and was wondering what 5k and 2k times were that are considered good thank you! age, 57 6ft 190lbs 5k …
2k erg times are a dependable gauge of rowing potential and speed on the water, so rowing times are the first thing that college coaches usually review. College .... Jun 25, 2020 — The author's rowing machine, in his California garage. ... On June 11th, my 38th birthday, I found myself head-to-head in a virtual rowing race against ... World Games champion in indoor rowing in the open men's 2000m class.. Aug 1, 2017 — The corrected times for men and women are plotted below and show no obvious trends with either age weight, or sex. It appears that the playing ... 3925e8d270
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